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1980-1.July80-Oct.81 -    Note: 363

Page: 169-171
Date: May 1981
Location: Ankara

Caglar's Research.
Meeting of ESA.
David Seddon, Caglar, Bahattin (left early) and two research women.
Nuket had interviewed a chap (Selin) from a village in the Mendves valley.
(i) Technique
They began asking random questions; hopeless so David said - get Meht to systematise the information and relate it to the sample from the village.
So this session was the result.
(ii) A lot came out. But I did not keep systematic notes.
Caglar's Res. Cotton vlg. in Mendves valley.
Grown cotton and cereals; seytinlik for most households.
Sample 15 households. Fairly representative.

(i) Irrigation arrived fairly recently. Not very efficiently run. Some land has become water logged. They grow cotton regularly, and do quite well, e.g. 5 years cotton 1 year or 2 wheat.
Birth rate said to be down from a lot to around four per household. Smaller households, but number has not changed.
Some time back, a large migration to the local town - very near, where people became Esnaf etc. No recent migration. Young leave for other professions, girls marry out, but no remittances.
Fascinated at the ethng. level housing research. Hard to see theoretical arguments; but Caglar is interested in "transformation". In this village trends to inequality hard to detect. We tried to work out if people were buying up land, and others becoming impoverished. No evidence.


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