Previous note -    Note: 96

Page: 119-120
Date: 3/6/50-4/6/50
Location: Sleymanl

Folklore - Proverbs, Stories, Dances, Singing

Dancing at Sleymanl dn. Woman, Russian by birth, left Russia 15 yrs. ago, now married to a Turk and settled in Ankara, one of the guests at the wedding. Is
said to dance v. specially. She dances to the village style, but much more provocatively, with much swaying of hips, moving of abdomen up and down, bending
backwards until breasts taut and getting onlookers to place coins, handkerchiefs, etc. on her breasts. The local women applauded it and were amused, got her to
do it several times, but made no attempt to do it themselves. I have never seen any of the local women dance in this fashion. Their dancing is a heavy and
rather solemn perambulation round the floor, only enlivened by the clicking of the fingers, which the more skilled manage.

k<womens'dance, wedding austerity>



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