Previous note -    Note: 93

Page: 115
Date: 2/8/50
Location: Suleymanl

Names and Naming

Sleymanl: {Man and his} mother, etc. : - they say that a child is generally called after someone in the family who has died. If there are no names fitting into
this category left they choose any name which pleases them. Generally, the child's mother or father will 'read' {okumak -'recite'} over the child and give it
its name - ' Allah...etc.' will be said to give the imprint of Mohammedanism. A richer household may call in the hoca to name the child - hoca wld. be paid for
this. Mehmet said the calling in of the Hoca is rare to name a child. His mother says they like to call the Hoca in to name the child if it is a son,
especially if it is a first son, but it is only a richer house which will bother about this.

k<naming children>


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