Previous note -    Note: 81

Page: 104-105
Date: 25/9/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Personal Habits

i(5082 Hanife Ate), i(5083 Keziban Ate) and i(5184 Emetin Karaaa) say they comb and arrange their hair in the 'belik' {gl: not understood} about once a month.
Often they wash it at this time. They may run a comb through the loose short hairs which lie flat on their heads, but they don't touch their plaits. Gt.
delight when we arranged their hair in our styles. "What will our husbands say! ok kele {in the village 'nice'; in Istanbul, very rude} - we'll wear it like
this for weddings." Liked looking at themselves in the mirror and sticking hair grips in. Shrieks of laughter when they saw themselves - but obviously rather
pleased at the transformation.

k<hair, care, experimenting>


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