Previous note -    Note: 68

Page: 100-101
Date: 10/7/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Diet and Health

i(0185)'s W i(5205 Atiye Kartn) says how difficult keeping oru is. I was in her 'ev' about 6 p.m. - with over 2 hrs. still to go to akam. She said her throat
was burning - she wanted water desperately. Going without water and drink was worse than going without food she said. i(5204 Fatma kartn) and i(5279 Nazife
Tezcan) both look very poorly. Both keeping fast, but say they are 'dermansz'. Nazife says that towards evening a great sickness seems to rise up in her
stomach. She admitted that this was probly due to her going without food and liquid throughout the day. i(5205 Atiye), i(5204 Fatma) and i(5279 Nazife) all
say how difficult it is to work throughout the day when keeping oru. {gl: harvest - working flat out}

k<oru, health, stress>

i(5205 Atiye) says during Ramazan they try to eat a large meal at akam: this year food scarce until harvest ready, so they haven't much - they eat bread (flour
getting low), bulgur, vegetables (mainly "ot"{gl: grass, i.e. weeds} and " burak}" make "mant", or have ehriye, yourt, milk, perhaps eggs. for their meal
during the night, (elik) {gl: I have forgotten the standard word for the early morning meal in Ramazan, and also the village word. I do not recognise 'elik',
nor 'kendine'} or kendine at akam, and often eat it cold for 'elik' with some yourt and milk. They do not keep 'tandr' burning. They have an 'ocak' in the
'ev' wall, which they use for warming things up for their 'elik'

k<ramazan meals, food shortage>


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