Previous note -    Note: 40

Page: 31-32
Date: 15/8/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

General Economics. Miscellaneous {from p..4.}

Arrival of 'muhacir' in the village, in horse-driven covered wagons. Refugees from Bulgaria - Turkish speaking Moslem minorities who escaped over the frontier
after Communists came to power in Bulgaria. have been one year in Kayseri, and are now on their way to Tomarza where they have been given new land to farm.

Stayed in village for 1 day to allow horses to rest etc. Some animals - e.g. oxen - with them. Men did some bargaining on the 'harman' - exchange of animals -
e.g. i(0185 AO) exchanging his ox fr one of theirs + 15 lira {2} payment. Women went round the village trying to sell things - e.g. like axe heads, trinkets,
man came to us wanting to sell a string of cheap artificial pearls; two trying to get money and goods by practising as 'ebbe'. e.g. woman who came to me tried
to get bread, flour, cloth, soap, tomatoes, black 'biber', coffee beans, sweets, bulgur.

k<Bulgarian refugees in village>


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