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Page: 28
Date: 29/8/51
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Houses and House Interiors

Sakaltutan - after year away.

More building in the village:-
i(0185) has built new 'ev' and 'oda' above the old ev. Oda still lacks roof, but ev is finished and in use. Whitewashed walls, good window, light and airy -
g{rea}t contrast with former ev. Approached up flight of steps and gets much more air as it stands high. Place for loom, and customary struts. Store room
beyond. No tandr in yet, but will have one later.

i(0049 Mustafa Ate)'s S i(0077 Haci Ates) is in process of building a large new house where his old one used to be. Large frontage - white stone - date of
building and maallah painted prominently over door. Three windows. Roof not on yet, and not yet used.

i(0317 Haci Yildiz) says he has built a new house in place of the cave in which he used to live. (This house was started before we left the village last year).
Says it has 2 rooms, and that later he will add another storey with an 'oda' - but this is probably Haci's 'lf'.

k<new houses 1951>



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