Previous note -    Note: 22

Page: 17
Date: 14/7/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Methods of Cooking & Cooking Utensils

i(0185 AO)'s ev. {i(5204 Fatma kartn) making 'bulgur orba' - simply the grains of bulgur put into large kazan on top of tandr and boiled for an hour or more in
water and milk - stirred from time to time with immense wooden spoon when in danger of boiling over. This was apparently going to be their main food for the
evening meal after a day's fasting - but this, I think, because food is very short now until reaping begins.

{i(5204 Fatma kartn) bemoaned fact that they hadn't any buday left - needed to make special Bayram dish - 'kavurma', 'kavurma'} (parched or roasted wheat?).
What's a Bayram without any 'kavurma'.

K<diet, bulgur orbas, kavurma, shortage>


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