Previous note -    Note: 21

Page: 17
Date: 12/7/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Methods of Cooking & Cooking Utensils

i(0270 Bilal)'s 'oda': i(5279 Nazife Tezcan) {his W} making 'bulgur' - grinding it in the stone grinder - (two flat stones one on top of the other, with a
stone handle - grain put through a hole in the top stone, the finished grain pours out from between the 2 stones). Both she and i(5280 Tenzile Gkpnar) {D} turn
the handle of the grinder - often together - 'zor i' - i(0270 Bilal) and i(5279 Nazife) say. After grinding it, the smaller grains are sifted again - the
grains left in the sieve become 'bulgur', the rest is sifted and sifted to make flour. We mentioned eating yulaf and yulaf unu. They were surprised - thought
it was only good for animal feeding. Oats not grown in this part, but they grow in the Adana region, imi.

k<bulgur, milling, oats>


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