Previous note -    Note: 127

Page: 161
Date: 3/6/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Attitudes to Us

Visit to Sleymanl dn. Entertained in 'kz' household. Sat first in 'ev', but the girl's father called me into the 'oda', where he and the boy's father both
spent some time talking with me, gave me coffee, etc. Gt. consideration shown - only to go to the women's festivities if I felt like it, to rest in 'oda' if I
preferred, etc. This doubtless because Paul has impressed upon them, before he returned to S. to fetch me, the fact that if I came the women wld. give me no
rest, and that I cld. not stand too much strain over several hrs. Same politeness and consideration shown to us at night. Given 'oda' to ourselves, specly
cleaned out just before we arrived, 2 yorgans, many enquiries as to our welfare, hunting down of bed bugs, etc.

Our host had an evening meal brought into the 'oda' to us, and ate with us. Enquired whether I felt embarrassed at eating with him, but appeared without
embarrassment at eating with me - took it for granted that Paul and I shld. eat together, in 'oda'.

k<courtesy, overnight stay in Sleymanl>


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