Previous note -    Note: 102

Page: 127
Date: 2/8/50
Location: Sakaltutan Ky

Moral Sanctions and Rewards

i(5218 Fatma Ko) {gl: neighbour, widow, very poor, tough} - given old shoes and socks to wear over injured foot - doesn't wear them and wound gets full of
dirt. When asked why she didn't wear the socks and shoes we had given her, she says that she was ashamed to wear them because the other women wld. laugh. They
wld. say that she had been puttting henna on her feet and so was wearing socks to let the henna dry - and that, as she hadn't got a husband, she was putting
henna on to attract a man. {gl: interesting example os social control}

k<fear of gossip, sanctions>


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