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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 50r

Page: 135, 187
Date: 1. 8. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

1/8 i(0185 A.O) - Annual Expenses

ya {oil} 10 Vergi {tax} etc. yol {road} 14
kemik {bones} 15 tortu {deposit} 5
cabbage 3 mal {property} 8
rice 5 ky {village} 10 = 37
sugar 15 = 48

clothes 60 kspe {oilcake} for animals 100 (varies a lot)
shoes 20 = 80
bakir {copper} 22 = 22

150 i(0185)'s total about 300 T.L.

p.187 1/8 (cont. aand completed)
No coffee - people who drink may spend 20 TL a year plus extra sugar. Same for tea.
[Better homes spend more, e.g. Muhtar spent 50 TL on kilim, ustas have watches etc.]
[Income from wool, eggs, chickens, sale of animals. These items must vary enormously from
house to house.] i(0185) has sold no wool or eggs - only enough for his own use.
i(0185) - if only there wasn't the expense of a new house [this budgeting takes no account of
dgn {marriage} expenses - it is not hard to see why the villagers go away to work, even the better off houses].

k<hshd expenditure>

{c: I found this kind of data very hard to get. But this is consistent with my expereince}


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