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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 46

Page: 74
Date: 21. 12. 49.
Location: Tomarza

Bucak merkezi. 3 Blacksmiths (shoes for horses) nalbant {gl : shoeing smith}
21/12 {visit with 0270} 450 houses, 2,600 nfus {gl : people}. 2 mahalle, 2 muhtars,
Belediye reis {gl : mayor}. Nahiye nfus 20,000 (19,000)
4 KE, 1 sihhat memuru {gl : health official}
1 Bas gretmen, Ankara trained,
250 children.
Streets of Bakkal {gl : grocers} & other shops.
Every kind usta available imis
1 large mosque in black-grey stone, with minaret; new Reisi Belediye building in cement,
blocking the mosque, and a Bucak Mdrl, on more traditional lines.
Much ruin of Ermeni houses, decidedly scruffy. Main market square - a mud patch.

12/7 { unnamed informant} - fields 2 hours across. 20 houses genuinely yerli {gl : local}, rest muhacir {gl : refugee} or immigrants.

k<Tomarza, occupations, streets, population, immigration, buildings>


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