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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 60x

Page: 138-9
Date: 13/17/23. 3. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

13/3 i(Ahmet Ate) - Harman, door leading through to stable, a small window, a sort of annex over entrance to stable - usually step from level of of
door to level of ev. Not very attractive, but when i(Ayse Aksoy-Canveren) {who?} suggested, like his brother, he built another, he said he was perfectly

17/3 i(Mehmet Bekar). 2nd storey, narrow, raised platform with tandr {oven} at the back. i(Galip Bekar) making a thing for washing, out of stone.

23/3 i(Hseyn Tufan)'s ev. Large, first floor, window, tandr in south-west corner. {diagram}.
Ocak {hearth} with chimney but tandr-shaped fireplace. Comfortable, comparatively.

k<various houses>

k<houses, interiors>


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