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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 60l

Page: 120-1
Date: 14. 12. 49.
Location: evlik

14/12 evlik. One house with round arch doorway. 7 or 8 odas in 30 houses. Several houses mere caves.
Emin - 2 long rooms side by side, outer one with fireplace (alight - making coffee); outer - sedir either side, inner, end and one side (like i(Ali Tufan)'s).
(Room c. 30' x 10'). Carpetting on the sedir, kilims on the floor, shelf, recess at the end big enough for one man to sit in; ceiling of beams all contiguous.
i(Ali Osman) - "this house was very rich." Ev behind extensive, including that of Hoca Haci Ahmet , which he bought.
Oda at north-west end of village, small outer odunluk, room smaller, no carpeting, less kilim. Sedir 3 sides, - smaller.
Oda west central, round entrance, small central hall, sedir 2 sides, otherwise about the same.
Oda east central, bride's house; - half the room a railed off platform, half with sedir on 2 sides. More or less square 18' sq. about.

k<rich and poorer guestrooms, evlik>

k<houses, interiors>


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