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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 58i

Page: 128-9
Date: 11. 2. 51.
Location: Persek

11/2 Persek. Sefali {DH}. Land gives 7 or 8 unmanured, 12 to 15 manured.
Plenty of wood, but they burn kerpi {dung and straw cakes} in their tandrs.
Yayla ok, tarla az {gl : much pasture, few fields}. Some young trees kept for "nuts"

k<persek yields, pasture, fuel, crops>
Work cycle - Sefali - unasked. 3 months work p.a.
On thaw, ploughing and sowing,
March & April "hafif" {light work}
May "kuz yayliyor" - {oxen graze} i.e. no work
June - ot {grass}, hay harvest hard work
July - corn harvest hard
August - winnowing, threshing, storing - hard
Sept., Oct. - ploughing & sowing - "hafif"
Nov. - March No work
Nov. - shopping and stores for winter (sehirde)

k<annual work cycle>


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