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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 52bk

Page: 2/134
Date: 4. 12. 51.
Location: evlik

4/12 evlik Muhtar - i(0134 Osman Gkpnar) (and others) - overestimate of dnm {gl: i.e. the numbers trhey gave me were exaggerated}
Emin (evlikli) - his father was very rich, land in Sakaltutan, evlik, Kanber, Alayinli; left three
sons, kumar oynadilar, sattlar {gambled,sold}. Showed me a document for sale of an area he said was about 10 dnm near the village for 1,500 TL by Emin and
Bekir (Skr is dead). He made no bones about disapproving of them. - "A kalacaklir" - "a kaldilar, imdi." {?}

k<land sales, gambling, stupidity>

{c: A very common story. bad people sell land. A story to explain poverty due to misfortune, balancing the stories that the successful found treasure?}

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