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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 52aj

Page: 132-3
Date: 28. 5. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

28/5 i(0185 Ali Osman). Fields belonging to his kabile side by side all along the ridge behind the village. Confirmed that owing to division system,
everyone has some good land and some bad, near and far. Continuous examples of this principle. Lands of one family are together, except by marriage or sale.
Nearer Kanber and evlik - owners considerably mixed, land has passed by women and by sale to a considerable extent; from village to village - e.g. land bought
from evlik now inside the village boundaries has passed back to evlik by marriage. Land thus not too far from their own village is accepted. In one case a
piece of land near Sakaltutan had been exchanged for a piece in the evlik boundary. {c: i.e. women like to inherit land near the frontier of the village in
which they reside}

i(0185 A.O.)'s dispute: i(0186 Hayrullah Kartn) & { one of i(0014)'s boys} - ploughing a piece of land on the Kanber frontier, near evlik.Discussion as we
reached {it}, i(0185 A.O). saying that some evlik people, (Skr, Ismail, Ali ). etc. come every year (her sene) to dispute his right to plough - his grandfather
bought the land (100 senelik). We went on to Kocaiz, i(0186 Hayrullah) came running behind us, crying, to say he'd been turned off, they'd threatened to kill
his father and so on. This was apparently a brother of the claimant. On the way home, we talked to the evlik shepherd about this, - a bit dim (deli).
i(0185 A.O.) admitted he has since inherited the right to half this land, but since he has no oxen, why object to i(0185 A.O.) ploughing it ? Fallow ploughing
is to his advantage.
k<land dispute, physical violence and threats>
i(0134 Osman Gkpinar) ploughed a piece of land, which he says is his, but which i(0185 A.O.) thought belonged to i(0170 Ahmet Karaagac)'s father i(D127 Paa),
and which he had allowed i(0134 Osman G.) to plough.

k<land disputes, different memories>


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