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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 52ac

Page: 131
Date: 7. 3. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

7/3 (i(0270 Bilal) i(D156 Ali Karaagac) (& presumably i(D127 mer Karaaa ) left an orphan, and their uncles (i(D112 Melik Ate) & company) did not
give them a share of land imi. i(0270 Bilal) agreed that this was wrong and the right of the strong; nowadays everybody gets a fair share, in those {days} an
orphan didn't get any land.
Hence i(D127 Karaagac) & i(D142 ahiner) lands separate from i(D112 Ates) & i(D146 Tezcan) lands.

k<inheritance, orphans, history>

7/3 Yarclk {sharecropping} (from owners point of view) zor {miserable ?}, give seed, help in harvest and threshing, then more seed. i(0270Bilal) - if he gave
up and went to the city, he'd lose two thirds of his land.
k<sharecropping, rights to cultivate> {c: a bad note - not clear why}


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