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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 52z

Page: 130
Date: 14-6. 2. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

15/2 Muhtar's oda - agreement on difficult problem of contracting lands for house.
k<land for building>

14/2 i(0270 Bilal) - whether he takes land as yarc {sharecropper} depends on strength of oxen.
He has bought 8 dnm, 1 tarla {field}, from Skr, 1 from i(0014 Mustafa Aksoyb). i(0273 Sait Tezcan) has also bought 5 dnm which B. ploughs, 3 tarla from i(0039
Hahmet Aslan). They give Sait "az mahsul" {gl : "little produce"}, in other words it is not a case of yarc.

16/2 i(0192 Ibrahim Ko) - very hard to understand - talked about his grandfather or someone having
150 divisions, - now he has 3 - or some such tale.

k< oxen for sharecropping, buying land, brothers,fieldwork comprehension>

{c: buyiug and selling land in the village is complex - a sort of returnable pawn system}

k<land tenure>


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