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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 51ci

Page: 191
Date: 16. 8. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

16/8 Sleymanli man - duvar usta {gl : waller}, gets contracts in combination with arkada {gl : friend}, - takes responsibility - e.g. building a bridge.
Paid by the unit of a cubic metre (or so), anything from 2.5 T.L. (with all expenses met) to 10 T.L. according to the work etc. Usually responsible for hiring
own amele {workers}. Otherwise "gndelik" {gl : daily wage} - 7 or 8 T.L. a day, but this only as a stop-gap. Smer Bank. has stone, and is going to take (? or
buy) it, in two days. Sometimes at home only 2 months a year, sometimes the whole winter. cf. p.175.

k<Sleymanli contractor>


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