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1949-51_Vol.1J -    Note: 51bv

Page: 159
Date: 22. 7. 50.
Location: Sakaltutan

22/7 i(0136 Mahmut Gkpnar) home for a few days - (4). Brought money to his father. Likes Adana, "orada iyi, buras kt" {gl : "good there, here is bad};
earns from 7 T.L. to 20 T.L. a day. 90k. a metre, if it's easy work he can do 30 metres in a day. On speaking terms with mhendis {engineer}, spends 6 or 7 T.L.
a day keeping up with them. Explains that in this company, one frequents respectable places. Others do not spend like this. His enjoyment of this gay life in
contrast with the contemptible village life. Involved in attempt to elope with Circassian girl; "they came and took her back, 4 of them to my 1". Something
about meeting her or her father in a mosque. cf. vol.3,pp.35,181.

k<migrant, high life style, spending, elopement>



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